Beyond The Brief Catch up #1

March 23, 2021

Well, the very first beyond the brief mastermind is done and I must say it was fantastic. We got pretty deep and covered a lot of great content.The topic today was broad "what I wish I'd known earlier" and it lead to some really important and insightful topics which include:

Care Plans:
Not only did we cover them from what they are, what they cover, and how we've implemented them. We really took a dive into a whole range of small related tips notably, WordPress training tips to Angelita's killer off-boarding process.

Pros and cons of being the Jack of all trades and master of none vs being a niche subject/service authority. Something really interesting that came up with this topic is how when we have a broad range of skills, this can actually be a very specific and sought-after single service.

Imposter Syndrome
This great topic really showed us all how vulnerable we all are, how consistent imposter syndrome is, and most importantly how "normal" this is. For me, imposter syndrome is an indication of someone who cares and is growing so this is something we shouldn't aspire to lose.

Learning and understanding Business.
It can be easy to focus on our craft, but the importance and benefits of learning about business as a "creative" can not be under-rated. The more you learn about business the more you can see how what we do impacts a business and the more it will help you out if you ever run your own agency or team.

Money, Money, Money
This gets deep into why so many people struggle to talk about money in business. We cover the importance of our OWN value and perception around money and how this can hold us back. As well as looking at the flip side of the value we provide to our customers.

I can't believe you've made it all the way to to the bottom of the page and you're still reading, that’s soo cool. If you're enjoying the stuff we are producing please get in touch or follow us at any of the links below, it’ll make us happy. You’re the best.


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Branding Agency Melbourne by Still Not Scared.

Our time: 1:21pm UTC
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